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Ashwy15 • 1 year ago

Ugh. The old scapegoat trick strikes again. The higher-ups (DA) refuse to own up to their shortcomings and instead choose to let an underling (Takina) take the fall. Because DA took them in after they were orphaned, it feels like the girls there are a bit too devoted to DA. That's why I'm glad people like Chisato exist. Someone has to speak out against them when everyone else is too scared to. Takina didn't deserve what DA did to her. She's the only reason her comrade is still alive. Maybe one day, Erica will be able to properly thank Takina for saving her. She's probably the only one that was actually happy to see Takina again. And I don't like her replacement at all. I'm glad Chisato was there for her. Maybe now, Takina can finally find her place at LycoReco.

I think it was Wallnut who hacked into their AI. There was something going on with her and that other man in the first episode. It was either her, or the other hacker from last episode.

Aries thezodiac • 1 year ago

Of course the girls are devoted. They're literally raised to treat their caretakers as gods and the orders from said gods are supposed to be absolute.

Da Grim • 1 year ago

Excellent episode! great action!

Diego • 9 months ago

I keep asking myself after every episode thus far "What reason do I have for not giving this a 10/10?" Man whoever writes and directs this is an absolute genius in pacing. It doesn't move too fast nor too slow. And every episode has a beginning, middle & end like old school superhero cartoons but at the same time has continuity with the rest of the plot.

This show is such a vibe